Indian Scientists’ Response to CoViD-19 (ISRC)
ISRC expresses its appreciation for the remarkable work of the Covid19India team in making Indian COVID-19 data publicly available. That such a volunteer-driven, crowd-sourced and unpaid effort could be sustained through a year and a half or more of the pandemic is an amazing feat. All of us who have come to rely on the results of their hard work owe them a considerable debt of gratitude.
Answers to COVID-19 related questions!
This event was live on Zoom and YouTube!
For all events, click here: ISRC events
17 February 2021: FAQ on Vaccines
21 January 2021: Statement on India’s vaccination policy
Press Release: 29 July 2020
The ISRC group working on the INDSCI-SIM model has analysed the COVID-19 mortality data for the region of NCT-Delhi, reported for the period from the end of April to the current date, to provide estimates for the spread of infections in the region.

Indian Scientists’ Response to CoViD-19 (ISRC) is a voluntary group of concerned scientist citizens of India who have come together in this time of crisis to discuss the rapidly evolving situation with its dire need for science communication. The scientific community has a social and democratic responsibility in the current situation, both in terms of analysing the situation and reaching out to the public. While governmental bodies make their decisions and professional scientific academies take principled stands, there is a need for individuals in the scientific community to also help individually and collectively.
To know more about who we are, see About Us. A few media articles regarding this group can be found in media mentions. If you wish to use or share some resources generated by ISRC, do go through our licensing rules, which prohibit any modifications, except for translations.
Our response is structured into the following categories:
For the public:
- Busting hoaxes: A number of fake claims do the rounds; we evaluate the evidence and debunk the fake ones.
- Popularization resources: Explaining the science underlying this phenomenon, accessible to the general public.
- Public Statements from ISRC and other Peoples’ movements
- Resources in Indian Languages
For scientists and healthcare professionals:
- Mathematical Modelling and Data Analysis
- Apps and Technology in the time of Corona
- Hardware (masks, ventilators, etc)
- Learning from global experiences
On Physical vs Social Distancing
We recommend using the phrase “physical distancing” or, if context demands, then “physical distancing together with social solidarity” instead of “social distancing”. This change arises from the understanding that in the context of the novel coronavirus infection, what is important is physical distancing, i.e., lesser direct or indirect physical contact to reduce the spread of the virus. On the other hand, in this moment of catastrophe, social solidarity is extremely important. The phrase social distancing is at best misleading and at worst reinforcing already existing social distancing and stigmatization that is embedded in our society.
Join Us
We seek your active support for this endeavour in this hour of need. Please join our Google group to contribute to the efforts.
Follow Us
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We are on Facebook: IndSciCovid
Follow us on Instagram: @IndSciCovid
Find us on Twitter: @IndSciCOVID
Important Note!
This website/group is not a forum for medical advice, and definitely no unverified claims will be entertained. All analysis is based on the current available scientific evidence. Given the constantly evolving situation we will make updates/corrections whenever they come to our notice.