Cooking at home
Food is an essential part of everyone’s daily routine. There are a few simple steps you can take while handling food and packaging to help you stay safe while cooking and eating your favorite dishes.
Scroll down to view and download an illustrated story, a set of guidelines and some detailed information in various languages.
Cooking in times of Corona
Here’s a story about how Appa makes his special chicken curry during a lock-down.
Click to download the story in different languages:
Hear the stories in different languages:
Click to download narrated story in different languages:
General Guidelines

Click to download the infographic in different languages:
Everything About Food
You might be worried about getting COVID19 from food. You might not know what to do with the packaging your groceries come in. You might even wonder if it is okay to eat whatever you want. If so, we have some answers for you
Click to in the guidelines download different languages:
Other resources
- Some answers to questions about food safety
- It is safe to eat meat and poultry
- Cooking and digesting food will destroy the virus
- No evidence that food is a source or transmission route; European Food Safety Authority